If you were alive in the 90's and DIDN'T have glamour shots made...I don't know if I envy you, or if I feel sorry for you. I still have mixed feeling about the whole "glamour-shots-trend", haha! However, I am definitely sure about one thing...I thought I was H-O-T!!! (1996ish)
My baby sister and me! Not quite Beethoven, but we sure could make some noise! Eventually, we both took lessons and learned how to play! (1992ish)
This is my cousin Emily (left) and moi (right). Everyone always thought we were sisters growing up! I loved having sleepovers at her house because she had a waterbed! (1994ish)
My baby sister Amy (left), me (middle), and my cousin Lindy (right).
We had sleepovers at my mamaw's house and watched TGIF. (Who remembers TGIF?) (1994ish)
This picture became infamous in my family a few Christmases ago. My Aunt found it and framed it for all of us...I have NO idea what we were doing, why we were doing it, or what kind of pose I'm making...talk about some hella long legs! Who knew I'd "grow up" to be 4' 11"?! ...Everyone in this picture is now taller than me. (1994)
If you have any posts with old pictures, I would love to see them! Leave a link for me in the comments!
Spread love and be kind!

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